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with us today.

We would love to showcase you as an Artist, Designer and writer to work with and feature in our print and or online issue. Please contact us with an introduction about your work and with examples. Due to the volume of emails received, you will be contacted within a week to further discuss our interest in working with you or featuring your work. If you do not hear from us, please assume your submission has been unsuccessful.
We welcome submissions for online and print consideration. All editorial submissions will be reviewed so long as they are sent as a PDF or Low res individual images attached to an email also including your team and full clothing credits. Please do not arrange all images into one jpg, no zip files, downloads, these will not be reviewed and these will not be responded to.
We do not respond to editorials received through social media. Due to the volume of emails received we will only respond to your email if we accepted to publish your story or with you on another story. Tou will hear from us within a week. All stories must be exclusive and unpublished in print or online ( which includes postig on social media) and noncommissioned work. We reserve the right to pull any story that doesn't meet our guidelines for any reason, even after publication.
Submissions must consist of at least 8- 10 different images for online stories and 10-12 different images for print. Your clothing credits must be varied throughout the story and not to include High Street, Vintage or Stylist own clothing creditis. These stories will not be accepted. We do not accept stories with excess nudity or stories that include fur.
We do not give commisioning letters unless we specifically contact you about working with us. We are an independant publication company, so we do not give free copies of our magazines, even to print contributors. The issue will be available to purchase online as soon as we've completed for online and printed on-demand versions.
Even if you receive a pull letter, we take no responsibility for any items borrowed unless the loan has been specifically confirmed through email with our editors.
Email us to confirm all Code B Magazine Media related loans.