Why was a new law legislation passed in the House called Crown Act on Friday, March 18, 2022 and will now head to the Senate.
We often wonder why does it matter how I wear my hair and how long or short it is. Natural hair with certain cultures has been ridiculed for not being accepted, if your hair wasn’t accordingly agreed upon which would be considered acceptable in today’s society.
How is one’s hair supposed to look? Why are braids not acceptable? Why is a person discriminated by the way they wear their own hair? Why should hairstyles not be a preference of choice? Who should decide on how you wear your hair?
I remember recently being mortified at what Actress Gabrielle Union, said about why she was pulled from a talk show, due to how she wanted to wear her hairstyles.
I thought to myself who and what gives one the right to judge a person on how they choose to wear their hair, or better yet why are certain races ridiculed on what is accepted by how we style our hair.
why should we have a conversation with our children on why they want to wear their hair straight, because the white kids will tease them. Why can’t we just tell them to wear their hair natural, braided or twisted, because this is a part of their birth, culture and who they are as an individual.
Instead of following up with a decision by standing your grounds by going to speak to someone higher to protest a statement ruling, we just obeyed and ran to the nearest store to purchase perm relaxers or weaves.
Far too long since slavery of the African culture, has always been changed to look like the culture they were forced to live in outside of what they were born in. Those who were born in slavery were already adjusted to what society ruled them to look like.
Since slavery ended society has continued to rule what was accepted in the work place and schools. These rules went on because no one ever stood up to take it to have a law passed to change what was considered natural and a right to have a preference on appearance of choice.
Finally! After years and years of fighting on how we want to wear our hair a new legislation was created to prohibit discrimination based on one's hair texture or hairstyle -- specifically pointing to hairstyles associated with a particular race or national origin.
This new passing, the measure, H.R. 2116, passed in a vote of 235-189 along party lines. It was introduced by Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J. the bill will now head to the Senate to be voted upon with legislative sponsors Democratic New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman leading the charge.
On Twitter:
Coleman also elaborated in a statement saying, "Natural Black hair is often deemed 'unprofessional' simply because it does not conform to white beauty standards. Discrimination against Black hair is discrimination against Black people. I'm proud to have played a part to ensure that we end discrimination against people for how their hair grows out of their head."
President Joe Biden's Administration is showing support for the legislation as well by sharing in a statement he wrote that the "administration looks forward to working with the Congress to enact this legislation and ensure that it is effectively implemented."
California first led the ban in 2019 for the Crown Act and now we currently have 12 States to rule this ban act and similar to the Crown Act into Legislation. These are the following 12 States to be proud of…
California- July 3, 2019. (Crown Act)
NewYork- July 12, 2019. (Human Rights)
New Jersey- December 19, 2019. (Crown Act)
Virginia- March 3, 2020. (Human Rights)
Colorado- March 6, 2020. (Crown Act)
Washington- March 19, 2020. (Discrimination)
Maryland- May 8, 2020. (Law was Passed without Governors signature)
Connecticut- March 4, 2021 (Crown Act)
New Mexico- April 5, 2021. (Crown Act)
Delaware- April 13, 2021. (Crown Act)
Nebraska- May 5, 2021. (Crown Act)
Illinois- August 13, 2021. (Simmons Law)
By Regina Washington